$30,000 Hospital Billing Mistake Corrected

The Client

Fabrication company with over 100 employees

The Challenge

An employee was admitted to the hospital for an extended stay, during which their company switched medical insurance carriers.  They only provided the hospital with one ID card because that was all they had as the new ID cards had not yet been issued. After their release, they received a bill for over $30,000, because their insurance was technically canceled during their stay.

The Caravus team immediately asked the hospital to submit the claim to two separate medical insurance carriers for the correct dates, but our requests were denied by the hospital’s billing department for an extended period of time.

The Solution

Our advocacy team worked with the employee, the hospital billing department, and the insurance carriers on a weekly basis to ensure the billing department would correctly submit the claims to both the old and new carrier, relentlessly pursuing through any roadblocks that came their way.

 The Outcome

The team’s persistency and refusal to quit ultimately resulted in the hospital correctly submitting the claim to both insurance carriers. The employee was then correctly billed for their deductible and appropriate associated medical costs.

Alyssa Johnson