Employee Schedules Zero Out of Pocket Cost Knee Replacement Through Alternate Diagnostics and Surgical Contracting Program, Saves Employer Over $67K

The Client

Self-Insured Concrete Company with over 150 enrolled employees

The Challenge

An employee who previously expressed skepticism towards health insurance needed a knee replacement. Through the plan’s traditional network, the procedure was estimated to cost around $53,000 and the employee would be responsible for a $2,000 out of pocket cost.

The Solution

Their HR specialist reminded the employee that the organization had partnered with KISx, and if approved, they could get the knee replacement at no cost. Although skeptical, the employee decided to give the program a try.

Soon after, the HR specialist connected the employee with a KISx nurse. They became the employee’s support system them through the entire process – from scheduling their appointment with the surgeon to following up with the employee through their recovery.

The Outcome

The employee was approved as a KISx patient, and the procedure was completed with zero out of pocket costs. The program also saved the company a significant amount, only costing them $26,520.

This experience encouraged a once skeptical employee to become a champion of not only the KISx program, but their employer’s entire benefits package.

Since their procedure, another employee had knee surgery through the KISx program, achieving total savings for the company of over $67,000 for these procedures. Since partnering with KISx, our client has seen over $84,000 in savings from members using the program for various testing and procedures over a 10-month period.

Alyssa Johnson